How to apply lipstick with natural effect!

Lipstick: natural effect!
Lipstick: natural effect!

Hi everyone! The girls who follow me for some time know very well that, when I speak about lipsticks always recommend the application with a small brush with bristles flat, to ensure a highly accurate result.

But what we do if we want to get a more natural and less defined effect?

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We just change the method of application! Kind of method I'm talking about is easiest to exist: the application with your fingers!

Infact, to achieve a very natural and nuanced on the lips, dab lipstick with the tip of the finger is perfect:
- in this way it is taken less color, the effect on the lips is less coverage and more natural contours.
- this technique is perfect for example if we have a very intense lipstick, but the effect seems excessive.

Applying it with your fingers instead of a brush, the result will be much more portable and able to transform a night lipstick in a lipstick for day. Looking at the photo below you can see how in fact the same lipstick can change depending on the method of application.

So we can transform it from "by night" to "by day"
There is another effect we can get applying lipstick: "ombrè" effect!

It gives us a three-dimensionality and volume on the lips!
But we wii talk about this onother time...
I like so much define effect....And you which would you prefer ♥♥♥?

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